Green Dragon Yard Mural Restoration
The Green Dragon Yard is a beautiful courtyard of repurposed historic warehouses and Georgian alleyways in Stockton High Street. Considered the cultural quarter of Stockton, it houses the Green Dragon Studios, Green Dragon Pub and the newly renovated Georgian Theatre, see my illustration of The Georgian Theatre here.
One of the many features of the Green Dragon Yard that I have always enjoyed is the mural of Saint George the Dragon Slayer, by artist Zac Newton. Sadly, over the years this beautiful mural has fallen into disrepair, and in recent years the original artist passed away. The frame was coming away from the wall and sections of the mural were flaking away altogether.
The Original Mural
I was delighted when local initiative Stockton BID enlisted me as the official 'restoration artist' for the mural. Stockton BID is a partnership between local businesses and organisations with the ultimate aim to make a difference to the town centre, and the Green Dragon mural is a perfect example of a corner of Stockton that urgently needed some TLC!
The restoration was quite a challenge, as many areas of the mural had faded completely, but I had loads of fun playing 'forensic art analyst' and reconstructing the face of Saint George the Dragon Slayer and putting a bit of my soul into the restored mural. This was also an opportunity to better signpost the yard by including the text, Green Dragon Yard.
There was something strangely beautiful about the way the old mural had aged in places, and this gave me the idea of adding some new and interesting textures to the mural.
Working away on the restoration in my studio
Close-Up of the textured illustration
Jason Maxwell, manager at Stockton BID, had this to say about working with me on the project…
““We have worked with Abby on a project to update an old piece of art for our town centre. She is super talented and very creative. I would not hesitate to recommend her to others and cannot wait to work with her again….I absolutely love it, she has done an amazing job and I am really proud of what she has produced for us.””
Here's a short time lapse of the piece as it came together...
Trendsetters installing the new artwork
Do you know of any old murals that could do with being restored? Or perhaps there's a perfect spot in your town for a new mural to brighten up the place. If so, feel free to get in touch using the contact form.