Schoolchildren’s Winning Logo Made Into a Reality
Hartlepool Borough Council has received £1.1million grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to deliver a three-year project to breathe new life into Church Street Conservation Area. The aim is to improve the quality of the built environment in the Conservation Area and raise awareness of the area’s rich heritage.
Thus, The Church Street Revival Project was born, they needed a logo and decided to put out a competition for local schools, colleges and the Dabble Art Group, they got over 300 entries. Connie Brydie and Isabelle Judson from West Park Primary School were the winners of the competition, with their vibrant circular logo using the Christ Church building as the focal image against a setting sun.
I got involved by working with Connie and Isabelle to develop the final design, which involved showing them how the logo was drawn up, important elements to think about when designing a logo, and allowing them to take ownership of their design by choosing the colour scheme and type layout.
The aim of the Church Street Revival Project, which is supported financially by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, is to improve the quality of the built environment in the Conservation Area and raise awareness of the area’s rich heritage.
To find out more about Hartlepool Revival and how you could get involved in the activities or volunteer
“Abby was brilliant at working with the Connie and Isabelle, the Church Street Revival logo competition winners from West Park Primary School. She was inspirational in her approach, clearly explaining how she had worked with their original drawing to develop options, from which they collectively chose a final digital logo image. ”
The Church Street Revival Team alongside myself, Connie and Isabelle
Connie and Isabelle choosing the logo colour scheme and typography position they liked best.